I guess this is a combination between random thought and almost journal entry, but I have time and I feel like it, so it fits:
Today I have experienced one of the best days of my life. Not that anything mindblowing happened, but I have been truly blessed. This morning, I woke up after a fairly good night's sleep, and had an extended morning devotion that was exceptional. Usually in my worships, I tend to follow a particular pattern, but this morning, I just had a talk with God in my prayer journal and told Him how I wanted to be like a new Christian, and how I wanted Him to have control of my life. It was awesome, and I felt so connected to God.
Then I went to church at the Spanish Church, where I've decided to transfer my membership. I love it there. It is so friendly and open, plus it gives me a chance to practice my Spanish and be surrounded by it, something I've been missing since I came back from Mexico. I got there a little late (with a ride from my roommate, who was kind enough to give it to me), and the program was already started, though the sermon was still ahead. I got a good seat, up near the front, and really enjoyed the sermon. It was a blessing to me, all about how Joshua (Josué) was nervous when he took over the leadership from Moses, but God came to him and told him three times to be strong and valiant. The preacher focused on why God told him 3 times to be strong, and explained that God only repeats himself like that when it is very important. He used an illustration from Spanish, how when something is rather small, they call it poquito, but when it is extremely small, they call it poquitititito! Finally near the end, he emphasized how the promise that Joshua received is a promise to us as well. We should be strong and valiant in the face of everything, and if we are, God will do marvelous things in our lives also, just as He promised to Joshua. This reaffirmed my faith.
Then at lunch today, I was able to sit with two of my favorite professors (both English professors) and their families. That was both enjoyable and affirming.
Then this afternoon, a big group of us from my school went to the botanic gardens, but it wasn't just a walk in the park (so to speak), but there was a sort of lesson/Bible study added in, where someone would read something and talk about it. It was great. Very affirming of my beliefs, and making me want to be the kind of Christian she was describing.
So overall, today has been a wonderful day, one of the best.
IKEA: linguistics, esthetics, engineering
8 hours ago