I am now beginning my final semester. I am taking a lot of credits and also auditing a course. Plus I'm trying to work as an agency medical interpreter in the meantime. I don't know if that is going to work out (the location is two hours away), but I'm going to try it for now. If it is too much, I'll just have to tell them that my studies have to come first. I'm doing a bit better as far as getting homework done is concerned, but there's still significant room for improvement.
The pregnancy is going well, now. The nausea is pretty much all past. Now I'm more worried about rising medical costs. Every little thing seems to cost another $100 (sometimes much more), and we have to get through this semester on my loans the same as before. That's another reason I thought it might be a good idea to try to work a little. Oh, and on a separate note, my parents are planning on coming down for my graduation and for the baby's birth, so that should be fun.
Overall, life is going pretty well. We're trying to choose a name for our daughter (yes, it's a girl!). And the career fair is coming up, so I've been trying to get my resume(s) ready in preparation, in between homework sessions. I already have two or three possible places to work after graduation, including the medical interpreting place I'm currently trying to work at. But I want to see all my possibilities before I make a decision. I'll know a lot better after the career fair, where hopefully I'll receive at least a few more offers.
So that's what's going on!
IKEA: linguistics, esthetics, engineering
8 hours ago