Vespers was really good tonight, but I couldn't pay attention very well because of distracting people all around me. I am going to try to never sit in the back of the sanctuary again, if I can help it. Too many distractions.
My favorite text for quite a while has been Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you your heart's desires," but I'm starting to think that even though that is a really cool promise, it is kind of selfish, because I tend to focus on the "getting" part. I think I should choose another one of the ones I really like. Any suggestions? What are your favorite verses? (Hint: this is where you comment, as I've been hoping you would all along.)
I wonder so often what God's will is for my life, especially in regard to relationships. Maybe I shouldn't focus so much on it, and focus more on my relationship with God and being the best person I can be (which will put me ahead in the other area besides), but it is a pretty important part of life, overall. Tonight, the speaker at Vespers talked all about when God is silent, just so we can wrestle with the question we have, and find the solution we need, which makes us stronger and better, as He desires. This was a very deep and powerful sermon, and spoke to me. I often feel God is too silent, but I need to remember that sometimes that is what I need. I am also reminded of a sermon I myself once preached about spiritual growth and God's will. I concluded that we often wait for the big project God has for us to be beamed into our mind, when in fact His will is all around us, in the little things we know we should do. If we do the first things, the things we are sure of, God will give us the next step. I still think that is true. At this moment, the thing I am sure I need to do is start to get to bed earlier, starting with tonight. :)
Linguistics bibliography roundup
2 hours ago
Don't think about what to wear, eat, or anything else.Matt. 5 (I think) Put God first in everything because HE knows what you need better than anyone else I know. God wants to give you good gifts as much as parents or friends. God wants and does give you everything that your heart desires when your heart wants to do his will. Your heart might desire other things when you want to do everything as HE sees fit. Well enough blabbering.
I don't believe it's ever wrong to pray for the discernment of the Lord's will for your life. We petition Him for signs; we search His word for answers; we wait for His direction . . . but we always keep searching. There is always an answer, and He will reveal it to us when He knows we need to know what it is. Should we worry? No, of course not. After all, who can add one moment to his life by worrying? But to be concerned about following the right path and to strive to find that path with God's leading - that is what it's all about. Otherwise, what would drive us?
All right, digging up old posts!
I like Eph. 5:15-17 because I think and worry too much about the future instead of living moment by moment.
"Be very careful, then, how you live–not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is."
Also, Matt. 6:33-34 is good for me, too.
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
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