Searching for a title that would be a bit novel, I considered, "Welcome to the Expion News Network: all Expion, all the time!" but I decided that that would be a bit much.
Thursday I had a podiatrist appointment, because I have been having trouble with an ingrown toenail for about six months (while using various measures to cure it), and he decided to do the surgery right then and there. I'll have to see him in about a month, but it was nice to be really doing something about it. I thought I was missing class, because it took long enough, but I had forgotten that the teacher had cancelled it already. Then I let my other teacher and my boss at work know that I wouldn't be making it and why (I had to keep my foot elevated), and had my roommate post a sign on the door to the computer lab to let my tutorial students know I wouldn't be tutoring. I had a very relaxing day and got some stuff done. I got enough sleep also, which helped me have an awesome day yesterday.
Today was neat as well: It was the second reading for the transfer of my membership, so I am now officially a member of la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día de Keene or the Keene Spanish SDA Church. I love that church. When they asked for a raising of hands from whomever wanted to accept me into membership, I think the whole church waved their hands. I know that they always do, pretty much, but it was special to me, especially since one friend of mine was at the same time mouthing the words "Bienvenido a tu familia" or something like that.
Sabbath School (Escuela Sabática there) was very interesting, even though it was on a very technical subject. We were talking about Daniel 7, and what the prophecies mean, and how looking at these prophecies and how they have been fulfilled SO clearly should strengthen our faith dramatically. It was great. I was in the youth pastor's class, and he explained things very well.
The sermon was good, too, all about how we should be sure we are saved, not because of our own strength, but because of His strength. We shouldn't feel lost if we commit a sin, but should simply come back to Him. We don't stop being His child when we sin, we just have to fix the problem. It was great. I must admit I had some trouble staying awake, like I did last Sabbath also, because last night I stayed up quite late chatting with friends on MSN Messenger, and then was picked up for church a little after nine this morning.
But the best thing about today happened while I was typing this: my girlfriend called from Mexico, and we were able to talk for a few minutes. She is going to try to call me again (at least I think that's what she said) if she can find another phone card or something. I can only hope, but talking with her was so awesome, even for just a few minutes. She is so precious to me. She is missing me a lot, just like I am missing her. We are trying to find a way that we can see each other before May. We'll see what happens. Maybe she can come visit me here. :D
Linguistics bibliography roundup
2 hours ago
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